What’s happening in the world of bartending?

How to Introduce Yourself Professionally
You don’t need to write a complicated history or biography about yourself to introduce yourself professionally. You want to give a brief glimpse into your personality and... Read more..

Getting A Bartending Job: What Do Employers Look For?
So you’ve been looking for a bartending job for a while and you’ve got an interview in an awesome venue - that’s great! You’ve printed off your CV and references. You’ve put on your best clothes and you’re ready to Read more..

What to Expect When You Become a Bar Manager
Moving from bartender to bar manager can often be a big step. What changes should you look out for? At EBS MatchStaff - we've put together a guide for you. Read more..

Is bartending a real job?
Bartending as has its ups and downs - to deny this would be ignorance. There are some days when you have incredible shifts, there are other days when you can’t wait to get home, yet, most of the time it’s an enjoyable and rewarding job. This is how a lot, if not all, jobs work. Read more..

Bartending - 5 Transferable Career Skills
One day you might wake up and need a change of scenery. You start working on your CV and realize you’re not quite sure how to tie your diverse experiences with a set of key transferable skills... Read more..

Why Bartending is the Best Job in the World!
Not sure yet about what you want to do after graduating? Find out why bartending is an interesting career option, combining everything you’re looking for in a job. Read more..