What’s happening in the world of bartending?

How to Introduce Yourself Professionally
You don’t need to write a complicated history or biography about yourself to introduce yourself professionally. You want to give a brief glimpse into your personality and... Read more..

My very first bartender job was in a brand new retro nightclub in a small town in England. It was the type of place where ordering a vodka and pineapple juice was seen as exotic. Read more..

How to make a good first impression when applying to bar jobs (in 5 easy steps)
CVs and cover letters are your chance to make a good first impression when applying to bar jobs, and on employers in general. Read more..

The Healthy Bartender: Forever a Paradox?
The concept of being a healthy bartender whilst working in the hospitality industry is nearly always a backseat priority for most “younger” members of the sector. Read more..

Why do Bartenders use so much ice?
At some point in all of our lives we’ve either asked, or heard someone ask, why do bartenders use so much ice in cocktails, spirit mixers or just in general. Read more..

Getting A Bartending Job: What Do Employers Look For?
So you’ve been looking for a bartending job for a while and you’ve got an interview in an awesome venue - that’s great! You’ve printed off your CV and references. You’ve put on your best clothes and you’re ready to Read more..

What to Expect When You Become a Bar Manager
Moving from bartender to bar manager can often be a big step. What changes should you look out for? At EBS MatchStaff - we've put together a guide for you. Read more..

Is bartending a real job?
Bartending as has its ups and downs - to deny this would be ignorance. There are some days when you have incredible shifts, there are other days when you can’t wait to get home, yet, most of the time it’s an enjoyable and rewarding job. This is how a lot, if not all, jobs work. Read more..

Bartending - 5 Transferable Career Skills
One day you might wake up and need a change of scenery. You start working on your CV and realize you’re not quite sure how to tie your diverse experiences with a set of key transferable skills... Read more..

Why Bartending is the Best Job in the World!
Not sure yet about what you want to do after graduating? Find out why bartending is an interesting career option, combining everything you’re looking for in a job. Read more..

It’s Monday evening and you’re almost six hours in your shift, while your friends are out, having fun.. Despite the fact that you LOVE your job as a bartender, there will always be some days you la Read more..

Becoming a bar manager: Monika's story
Monika went from feeling like there was something missing in her life in Italy to becoming a bar manager at a top-rated restaurant in Amsterdam. What’s even more amazing is how she landed her job: She sent out 10 CVs immediately after graduating from her bartender course and got invited to 10 job interviews! If you’re interested in becoming a bar manager, we advise you to keep reading and see how Monika achieved it. Read more..

How to create an energy booster for your next staff meal
Having dinner with the whole team of your bar or restaurant before your shift starts is one of the best ways to bond, invite conversations and creates a great, relaxed atmosphere. Nothing brings pe Read more..

The six most common stereotypes about bartenders
There’s prejudices about everything and everyone, so it comes as no surprise that there are also some myths about the profession of bartending. What is really true about those stereotypes? Have you Read more..

Why bartender training is worth the money: Tim's story
Tim Lefèvre knew that he wanted to make a new and exciting change in his life, what he didn’t know was that change would come in the form of a bartender training course in Amsterdam.
He al Read more..

From Biochemistry to Bartending: Meet EBS instructor Andrea Senna
Steve Jobs once said ‘The only way to do great work is to love what you do.’ Meet Andrea Senna who works as an EBS instructor, his story proves that this statement is true! Read more..