Hard Work

Hello, I'm Victor.

Bartending: Teamwork, cleanliness and hygiene of the bar, handling of the goods, convenience to the guests, mixing techniques of beverages, service, free pour and jigger, mixing speed, flair, accuracy and precision, stress management. -Presentation, history, types and brands, tasting and trends: spirits, beers and wines-responsible alcohol Service, percentage of alcohol and driving, liquor and sobriety regulations, services regulation, insurance Quality. Animation: to design and analyze a sequence of animation/work, to participate: to anticipate the conditions of animation, to work in groups, to express themselves in groups, to capture the attention of the participants, to allocate the tasks, to delegate the responsibilities, Define objectives, analyze practices. Capacity in law: to build a speech, to analyze the relevance of a statement, to look in the texts of laws, to master several types of writing.


European Bartender School Dublin International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Sep 2018

University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV online law - Oct 2016

Pathfinders and Scouts of France online Animation - Dec 2015

AFPA Fecamp online Naval mechanic - Apr 2013

University Cheik Anta Diop online Law in CAD/CAM - Oct 2011

Jean Moulin Hight School online Naval Mechanic - Oct 2009

Work experience

Quick - Meriganc team member, May 1, 2018 - June 1, 2018

Dartess - Blanquefort Warehouseman Containers, April 1, 2018 - May 1, 2018

Local Group of Bordeaux - Bordeaux trainer BAFA, April 1, 2016 - May 1, 2016

Scouts of France regional permanence - bordeaux civic Service, Feb. 1, 2016 - June 1, 2016

Animation Center The miles and a paws - Bordeaux Animator, Oct. 1, 2014 - Jan. 1, 2015

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade C Dublin - Sep 2018
NationalityFrench Gender Male SpeakEnglish, French

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