Hello, I'm Joël.
Swiss with a hosting personality. I like my guests to be treated to the outmost of my capabilities. I see work to be done and have no problem deputing tasks if I don't manage to do them on my own. I can be fun too ;-)
Workfield experience: Event management, gastro, nursing, care taking, cooking, teaching language, office tasks and some more. Skills: cocktail mixing, cooking, dish washing (level: it's over 9000), three languages spoken fluently, quick-fixing stuff, talking, some flair and much more.
European Bartender School London Mixology Course (2 days) - Oct 2018
European Bartender School London Working Flair Course (2 days) - Oct 2018
European Bartender School Stockholm International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Sep 2018
Turmbogen Kaffee online Homebarista - Apr 2018
European Bartender School Copenhagen International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Jul 2015
Work experience

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)
Grade None Copenhagen - Jul 2015
International Bartender Course (4 weeks)
Grade B Stockholm - Sep 2018
Mixology Course (2 days)
Grade None London - Oct 2018