Hard Work

Hello, I'm Noel.

Hey I’m Noel I’m always polite and friendly, calm and professional while I work. I focus on teamwork, motivation and endurance at my workplace! I would love to work with you!

I’ve graduated from my school in Germany in summer 2018. I’ve worked a lot in my schooldays in the catering industry before graduation. Now I’m a skilled bartender since 28th of September. I like a lot to work as a bartender and to travel. I speak a little bit of Spanish and I want to improve my skills in that language so I would preferre locations where the native language is Spanish, but I’m happy about every job offer that you can give me - thank you!


European Bartender School Amsterdam International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Sep 2018

Work experience

Okinii - Wiesbaden Waiter, Sept. 1, 2016 - Jan. 1, 2018

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade B Amsterdam - Sep 2018
NationalityGerman Gender Male SpeakGerman, English

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