I'm a posetiv happy and kind guy. At work I am very reliable and always do my best. In my spare time I usually hang out with friends, fish, work out.
Bartender training Europerian bartender school.
Work exam from el program, spångberg high school 2014-2017
Driving licence B
Lift Training
Wheelest card
Hennicehammarherrgård Worked as a Bartender http://hennickehammar.se/herrgardsweekend/boendepaket/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI2ZrtwI-V3gIVHYmyCh3LsgbBEAAYASAAEgJrCvD_BwE
Bighill lodge Worked as a bartender http://www.bighilllodge.se/
European Bartender School
International Bartender Course (4 weeks) -
Feb 2018
Work experience
International Bartender Course (4 weeks)
Grade C
Phuket -
Feb 2018