Hard Work

Hello, I'm Joann.

Friendly, open-minded, fast and creative new bartender. Always excited to learn more and more about cocktails and different kind of drinks

I've worked in a bar, a restaurant and as a theater usherette as Theater is one of my many passions. Through theses jobs, I am now able to solve problems quickly, efficiently and in a professional way. Surpass myself is my guide line !


European Bartender School Dublin International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Aug 2017

Work experience

Le Troisième - Bulle, Switzerland waitress, Aug. 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017

Le Bonnet Rouge - Gruyère, Switzerland Waitress, Feb. 1, 2016 - May 1, 2017

Theater CO2 - La Tour-de-Trême, Switzerland Theater usherette, Sept. 1, 2015 - July 1, 2017

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade B Dublin - Aug 2017
NationalitySwiss Gender Female SpeakGerman, Spanish, English, French

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