Hard Work

Hello, I'm Emilio.

Creative bartender with the want of exploring new taste/mixing. Always very focused and perfectionnist on the cocktails i make and still managing to prepare them pretty fast. Behind the bar to make drinks and entertain, not to sleep.

I can speak 3 languages very well, French, German and English, plus some bits of Spanish. I worked in a a bar in a very famous bar street of Paris with a lot of people there for 3 month. I was working on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, in the weekend untill very late. I decided to stop because i felt like what i was asked to do weren't "real" cocktails but more like "already prepared version" or simplified version. And the thing is, i love doing "real"cocktails because i know how they really taste and i now that customers will enjoy them. It doesn't have to be super detailed ones (although i'd love to make them too) but what i'm looking for is the sensation of being an artist and a creator of something mixed with the adrenaline of dozens of people staring at you waiting for their drinks. I like doing clean things (maybe i'm a bit perfectionnist) and i can do them fast because i'm a cold blooded persons who likes to do this and interact with the customers. I also know that when you work in a Bar there can't be a moment where you wait for the next order because you should always be doing tasks. Plus I also love free pouring (it's something which i'm good at) and flair (which i'm good at too) Contact me any time : Mail : emiliocruz@live.fr Phone : +33777382064


European Bartender School Barcelona International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Aug 2017

Work experience

Cocktail Bar and Restaurant - https://goo.gl/maps/MDKeyjG6naD2 Bartender, Sept. 1, 2015 - Dec. 1, 2017

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade B Barcelona - Aug 2017
NationalityFrench Gender Male SpeakGerman, English, French

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