Hello, I'm Isak.
Calm personality and I try to see my mistakes as experiences. I am loyal and true to my word. At the moment, I am not bound to anything and would love to just travel the world with work as a bartender.
With previous 5 years of experience in customer service, I took the EBS bartender course to try something new, and I really enjoyed it! My goal now is to be a bartender at a cocktail bar, but wouldn't mind starting off in any bar setting. With the knowledge of my previous job, I have a understanding in how to handle customers, which should be beneficial in any bartender job. I also worked with quality analysis of customer service.
European Bartender School Mallorca International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Aug 2017
Högbersskolan online Electronics - Aug 2006
Work experience
Teleperformance - Stockholm Quality Assurance Analyst, Oct. 1, 2016 - July 1, 2017
Teleperformance - Stockholm Customer service agent, Dec. 1, 2011 - Oct. 1, 2016