Hello, I'm Albert.
Polite, humorous human, always there to help.
After finishing the 4 weeks course in Amsterdam im looking forward to extend my knowledge and make my passion to my profession. I've worked in a large kitchen for over 10 years where i learnt how to be efficient and work in a fast pace. Now i want to set a foot into bartending, willing to learn many new things and improve my skills.
European Bartender School Amsterdam International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - May 2017
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg online Sports/economics - Oct 2014
Voluntary social year online ZfP Südwürttemberg - Sep 2012
Albert Einstein Gymnasium online General education Gymnasium - Sep 2001
Work experience
ZfP Weissenau - Ravensburg / Germany Kitchen help, Feb. 1, 2007 - July 1, 2017