Hello, I'm Lucas.
New Bartender looking for a place inside a team. Friendly and always smiling I love human contact and service. I take real pleasure in what I do and I'm looking forward to be able to use everything I learned and learn more.
I have experience in fast paced environment aswell as small places where I could develop a good customer relationship with the regulars. I have been working during day to night shift, so I don't mind working at any hour. Passionnate about wine, rum and liqueurs I love to talk about it and to try new things in my free time. I can do flair basics and I'm currently training to improve my level. I am currently working at the Wigmore in the Langham Hotel.
European Bartender School St. Martin International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Apr 2017
Université Rennes 2 online Information-Communication - Sep 2013
Université Rennes 2 online Spectacle Art - Sep 2012
Université Pierre Mendès France online Economy-Management - Sep 2011
Work experience
The Wigmore - Central London Barback, June 1, 2017 - Aug. 1, 2017
The Soggy Dollar Bar - St Marteen Bartender, April 1, 2017 - June 1, 2017
Courtepaille - Rennes Polyvalent waiter, Dec. 1, 2016 - March 1, 2017
Alex's Tavern - Rennes Waiter/Cook, Oct. 1, 2014 - June 1, 2016