Hello, I'm Fabrizio.
The funniest guy in a team even the modest, anyway I'm like a chameleon I can fit in any situation.
I'm the underdog that one who no one would bet a Euro, but when I start to show my abilities everyone want me to be in their team. I worked in Italy part time at Rebel one of the few cocktail bar in my city, there is where I started to love this job. After that I flew to New Zealand, because my sister lives there, and after the course in Sydney, I worked only three months (due to my visa) at Mea Culpa cocktail bar. I had the "SAUDAGI" of my parents and my friends so I went back to Italy and worked to Baita Cian a pub where i did everything like coffe and cappuccini even the table service,
European Bartender School Sydney International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Nov 2015
Work experience
Baita Cian - Torgnon, Italy Bartender, June 1, 2016 - Sept. 1, 2016
Mea culpa - Auckland, New Zealand bartender, Jan. 1, 2016 - March 1, 2016
Rebel - Aosta , Italy Bartender, Jan. 1, 2015 - Sept. 1, 2015