Hello, I'm Diane.
Few experience but a lot of will. I use to put all my motivation in my jobs, cause at the end of the day, I need to look back and see that I did a good work. That's what keeps me going.
I am a quick learner, I might be a bit shy at first, but I am actually pretty sociable. I like to be in contact with customers, and I think I'm good at it, since I smile a lot. I am always happy to try new things. I like to work in team, and I like to put all my effort in my work, so my coworkers can be sure that they can count on me. I worked as a bartender in Le Pal (France). It's an amusement park, with a hostel part, and a gastronomic restaurant. I did mainly cocktails, an a few coffees. I was alone behind the bar, which was interesting, but lacked human interractions (even with the customers, because we had hosts for them). I work fast, I am very dynamic, and I know how to take initiatives if needed.
European Bartender School Stockholm International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Apr 2015
Work experience